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This page provides access to a wide range of Customer Support field information. It covers information on hotline calls, field part usage and the installed base. The Clarify data base is the call tracking system used by Customer Support in North America. It contains information on all North American hotline calls as well as back line calls for the rest of the world.

In addition, the Mosaic data base provides installed base information for all NAFO systems. You can find out how many systems a customer has, where certain models have been shipped, as well as contact information at these sites.

Clarify Call Look-up Call Reports Part Usage/Info
Find cases (w/o call number) Hot call and backlog reports Parts used on cases (historical)
CallLog via the web General backlog look-up Current part requests
Look up cases/queues/logins Search calls for info (Oasis) Repair history/Shipped config
Closed calls by login Non-NAFO call info (Quasar) IMSD "Pole Vault" part query
Closed calls by office Call summaries by model

Symp/cure: basic / call summaries

Clarify call rate

Installed base information

Mosaic query tool

Simple serial no. look-up

Marketing code look-up

NACS Prospector / Quasar

Call look-up: Case SCR

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